Outreach & Early Intervention Services
Welcome to Project VIDA’s Outreach & Early Intervention Services, dedicated to fostering healthier lives and stronger communities. Our programs are designed to provide vital judgment-free support, education, and resources, ensuring that everyone has the tools to make informed decisions about their well-being.
Do you want to bring Testing to your event or business? Click the button above to go to our Prevention Request Form.
HIV/STI Testing
At Project VIDA, we provide confidential low-cost or free HIV/STI testing services, including Rapid HIV tests, Confirmatory testing, Syphilis, Gonorrhea, and Chlamydia (oral, rectal, and urine) to anyone 12 and older. Our services include a collection of activities designed to increase the knowledge of their HIV status, encourage and support risk reduction, and secure needed referrals for appropriate services – ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to know their status and take proactive steps towards a healthier life.

Intervention Best Practices
Project VIDA staff utilizes Long-Term Care best practices & demonstrated interventions to improve the client outcomes:
• Linkage to care
• Retention in HIV/STI care continuum
• Engagement in HIV care
• Re-engagement in HIV care
• Viral Suppression
Couple’s HIV Testing
Building on the importance of open communication and shared experiences, our Couple’s HIV Testing program fosters understanding and support between partners, reinforcing the power of unity in facing health challenges together.
PEP & PrEP Education and Referrals
Our dedicated experts are ready to empower you with a clear understanding of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) and Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP). PrEP involves taking medication to prevent HIV before exposure, while PEP is a preventive option after potential exposure. Whether you’re seeking to safeguard your health or need guidance on the next steps, our judgment-free and knowledgeable team will equip you with the tools and resources you need. Your journey towards a healthier tomorrow starts with making informed choices today. Please view the Project VIDA process for HIV Screening and PrEP Referral in the diagram.
Personal Cognitive Counseling (PCC)
Our team of dedicated and trained counselors not only provides invaluable support but also encourages clients who have undergone HIV testing to introspectively examine their thoughts and emotions following instances of unprotected anal sex. By delving into these reflections, our goal is to collaboratively develop strategies that effectively reduce the risk associated with such behavior in future situations. With empathy and expertise, we guide individuals through their emotional and psychological journeys, helping them triumph over challenges and embrace a path of empowerment and growth.

Street Outreach
Project VIDA extends its reach beyond traditional channels, embodying a judgment-free supportive approach that meets clients where they are – whether it’s a club, bar, community event, or elsewhere. We engage in street outreach initiatives with our outreach teams connecting directly with individuals. We provide them with essential resources, information, and a pathway to better health, all while fostering a supportive environment, respectful of individuals’ journeys.
Sexual Health Education
Education is power, and we’re dedicated to ensuring you have the knowledge you need. We provide Sexual Health Education through our different programs and channels, including live streaming, workshops, and outreach, to provide individuals with information and resources. Allowing individuals to make informed decisions about their sexual health, relationships, and overall well-being, puts the power of knowledge firmly in your hands.

LinkUp Chicago Program
We believe that community and connection can save lives. LinkUp Chicago exists to connect Black Gay and Bisexual men to safe social and spiritual resources that allow them to thrive.
Healing, Hope, and Humanity. We value the lives and loves of our powerful black, bisexual, gay, same-gender loving men. We strive to be a safe haven where people feel truly listened to and embraced as a whole person.
Recovery and Resources
We embrace each person in their individual journey and support them with resources in a harm-reduction, and trauma-informed approach. We welcome family, friends, and loved ones to reach out to us as well.
Support Provided
• Compassionate Listening
• Harm Reduction materials Fentanyl Testing Strips, Narcan
• Behavioral Health referrals and support
• PrEP Referrals
• HIV/STI testing
• Linkage to Medical Care & Insurance enrollment
• Safe Sex and Safe Usage Education
• Assistance Navigating identification, social security & birth certificate
• Housing Navigation referrals
• Drop-in Centers in collaboration with our community partners

Community and Connection
Bringing passion, care, and energy to this work and our relationships with each other. We laugh, cry, and tap into our personal strengths for the betterment of our shared community. We prioritize wellness for our callers and ourselves.
Safe spaces for peer support (Game Nights, Linkup nights at Club Hydrate and Club Escape)
Support Line is open from 9 am - 9 pm, 7 days a week
The helpline will use a trauma-informed lens to refer and link culturally appropriate social and spiritually-centered services for Black GBMSM who are actively using methamphetamine as well as for members of their support networks (e.g., friends, parents, partners).

VIDA Task Force Program
The VIDA Task Force is a 3-year collaborative project between Aids Foundation Chicago (AFC) and Project VIDA.
A thriving Chicagoland community in which Latine/o/x residents have the knowledge, capacity, and ability to lead healthy lives, contribute to their community, and reduce the transmission of HIV.
Increase the capacity and strength of community stakeholders serving Latin/e/o/x Chicagoans at high risk for HIV or LWHIV (Living With HIV) by collaborating towards common goals that reduce HIV transmission & increase access to care.

Increase the engagement of Latine/o/x MSM and transgender women in the HIV prevention and care continuum.
Volunteering For The VIDA TaskForce
Attend monthly virtual training meetings (4th Thursday of each month from 2 pm-3:30 pm). Provided by experts. Wide variety of topics including health education, stigma and barriers to HIV prevention and care, harm reduction, PrEP, PEP, research, and mental health education.
Additional Prevention Services offered... contact VIDA TaskForce
To speak with someone, please message and contact us at the link below.
Project VIDA takes pride in serving everyone, regardless of their background.
Project VIDA is a safe haven for members of the LGBTQ+ community, who may face challenges in finding support and resources. We specialize in services for people affected or at risk of HIV/AIDS. With a profound commitment to leading with love and compassion, we ensure that community members receive the assistance they need, even during their most challenging moments.